Det är lugnt och tyst, alla sover, utom jag. Det hade ju varit roligare om Markus inte sovit hela kvällen, men när han nu är sjuk får jag roa mig själv. Och det är mysigt. Skriver lite i bloggen och läser tidningar. Fast jag borde sova för att vara pigg i morgon då jag ska åka skidor.
It is calm. Everyone are sleeping, but me. It would have been more fun if Markus would not have been sleeping the entire evening of course, but since he is ill, I have to entertain myself, and it is quite nice. I am writing a bit in the blog, and reading magazines. But really I should be sleeping to be rested tomorrow.
It is calm. Everyone are sleeping, but me. It would have been more fun if Markus would not have been sleeping the entire evening of course, but since he is ill, I have to entertain myself, and it is quite nice. I am writing a bit in the blog, and reading magazines. But really I should be sleeping to be rested tomorrow.
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